Price | Bid Increment |
MXN$500 | MXN$50 |
MXN$1,000 | MXN$100 |
MXN$5,000 | MXN$500 |
MXN$10,000 | MXN$1,000 |
MXN$50,000 | MXN$5,000 |
MXN$100,000 | MXN$10,000 |
MXN$500,000 | MXN$50,000 |
MXN$1,000,000 | MXN$100,000 |
Vicente Gandía (Valencia, España, 1935 - Cuernavaca, Morelos, 2009). Flores negras. | Black Flowers
Grabado C/A | Engraving.
Firmado a lápiz | Signed in pencil
75 x 55 cm
Vicente Gandía nació en 1948 en México. Desde joven mostró interés por las artes plásticas, lo que lo llevó a estudiar en diferentes instituciones artísticas del país, donde desarrolló sus habilidades técnicas y su estilo personal.
A lo largo de su carrera, Vicente Gandía ha explorado diversas técnicas y estilos, incluyendo el muralismo y la pintura al óleo. Su obra se caracteriza por una fuerte conexión con temas sociales y culturales, reflejando la identidad mexicana a través de sus composiciones.
Gandía ha trabajado en varios murales que abordan temáticas relacionadas con la historia y la cultura mexicana. Su enfoque busca rescatar elementos tradicionales y darles una nueva interpretación a través del arte.
Ha participado en varias exposiciones tanto individuales como colectivas, donde ha presentado su obra a un público más amplio. Estas exposiciones han ayudado a consolidar su posición dentro del panorama artístico mexicano.
Su estilo se distingue por el uso de colores vibrantes y composiciones dinámicas que transmiten emociones profundas. Sus obras suelen incluir elementos simbólicos que invitan a la reflexión sobre la identidad cultural.
Además de su labor como artista, Vicente Gandía también ha estado involucrado en la enseñanza del arte, compartiendo su conocimiento con estudiantes y jóvenes artistas.
Vicente Gandía sigue activo en el ámbito artístico, creando nuevas obras que continúan explorando temas relevantes para la sociedad mexicana contemporánea. Su legado se mantiene vivo a través de sus murales y pinturas que reflejan la riqueza cultural del país.
Vicente Gandía was born in 1948 in Mexico. From a young age he showed an interest in the visual arts, which led him to study at different artistic institutions in the country, where he developed his technical skills and personal style.
Throughout his career, Vicente Gandía has explored various techniques and styles, including muralism and oil painting. His work is characterized by a strong connection to social and cultural themes, reflecting Mexican identity through his compositions.
Gandía has worked on several murals that address themes related to Mexican history and culture. His approach seeks to rescue traditional elements and give them a new interpretation through art.
He has participated in several solo and group exhibitions, where he has presented his work to a wider audience. These exhibitions have helped consolidate his position within the Mexican art scene.
His style is distinguished by the use of vibrant colors and dynamic compositions that convey deep emotions. His works often include symbolic elements that invite reflection on cultural identity.
In addition to his work as an artist, Vicente Gandía has also been involved in teaching art, sharing his knowledge with students and young artists.
Vicente Gandía remains active in the artistic field, creating new works that continue to explore themes relevant to contemporary Mexican society. His legacy lives on through his murals and paintings that reflect the cultural richness of the country.